Seeking a Product expert?!
Tap into a diverse pool of Prodactix subject matter experts. We can advise on your strategy, devise your tactics and lead your products. We can help you establish your own product function, train your PMs and instill best practices, adapting your org to product-driven, customer-centric, agile methodologies.
Launching a new product or service?!
Get a reliable product expert to own the initiative, in part or in whole. Depending on the stage you’re at, we can lead the inception, accompany the implementation stage or devise the go-to-market and roll out strategies.
Head of Product or feature PM, inbound or outbound - you can find'em here.
Scaling your inbound PM/PO team?!
Bring an inbound PM/PO to join your multidisciplinary team, lead your sprint planning, build up your feature roadmap and see it through. Our experts can furnish your tech teams with specs, jiras and OKRs, set KPIs, help you firefight the day-to-day issues, and mediate between tech and commercials.
Scaling your outbound PM team?!
Prodactix PMs can meet your customers, eliciting their needs and pain points, proposing solutions out of your portfolio, acting as the voice of customer and fueling your product roadmap with feature requests. We can perform market and competition research, analyze user sentiment, guide your ops and more.
Preparing for an investment round?!
Prodactix experts can translate your commitments into a product roadmap with an actionable execution plan. We can also assess your customer base, your current P&L structure and org structure, suggest optimizations and produce ARR/MRR/P&L forecasts to inform your cash flow scenarios.